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Monday, August 20, 2012

CDOToday Admin

What is a Social Climber?

According to Wikipedia:
A social climber is someone who seeks social prominence, for example by obsequious behavior. The term is sometimes used as synonymous with parvenu, one who has suddenly risen to a higher economic status but has not gained the social acceptance of others in that class. "Social climber" may be used as an insult, suggesting a poor work ethic or disloyalty to roots.

According to UrbanDictionary:
Similar to an "attention whore", but a social climber is anyone that becomes friends with someone else if they have something that they want, which we all know involves people. They become 'friends' with people who "know people". In turn, they become (or attempt to become) 'friends' with that first person's more "popular" friends, leaving the first person behind. Repeats this cycle to "get to the top", in their own mind, until they realize they are shallow and unable to like people for who they really are. Inevitably, they will be forced to "mature" beyond this. This usually pertains to girls more so than guys.

a person who tries to seek social acceptance either through: 

1.) the expense of someone else 
2.) the use of obsequious behavior 
3.) "forced" companionship


For me, a social climber is somebody who wants to be accepted by the society no matter what his/her status in life. But he/she does things their way to be accepted.

But it is not always bad being a social climber... you can be a social climber without having an obsequious behavior or dumping friends for the price of having that social status. Just like me, I am a social climber but I don't have those characteristic defined above. I just don't know, people think I am classy and rich but the truth is I am not. Maybe I looked like one but I think it is because I am a social climber, and I dress up and act like any classy person in the society. (Root canal! LOL)

I eat at any fancy restaurant whenever I can afford it, or when someone invited me to have dinner with them. I've been invited in some social occasions, together with the high profile individuals in the society.

I am a Katkatera! I climb!

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